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Open positions : 1

Bierens Lab employs international and domestic marketeers. Our aim is to play Champions League in 25 countries in the digital domain. We are making a difference by enabling our companies to innovative PPC, SEO, automation and branding strategies. Our heart beats faster since our 40 websites we are ranking on Google’s top positions in over 25 countries. 

We are the ultimate firm for entrepreneurial marketeers who want to conquer the world.


SEO Optimaliation

Our ambition is to be the nr 1. in Google’s search engine for our services. We are building 40 websites in 25 countries to improve our client’s customer experience and attract new clients. Every day we aim to play Champions League in the domain of technical SEO and content SEO.

Marketing Automation

Uniform broadcasting one message towards your audience is the past. We aim to target our clients individually based on their needs and interests. By usingSharpspring and other automation tools we make progression to the new world.


Our brands help our companies reach our clients and are strengthening our position in themarket. By offering various initiatives such as insightful content and revolutionizing event concepts we are creating brand equity for our companies.


With our PPC strategy we are reaching out to potential clients all over the world. Weare active on Bing, Google, Yandex and Baidu to make sure our audience knows to find us.

Read on to see examples of projects we have worked on.

Employer branding campaign

For the Bierensgroup we created an awardwinning movie to show potential candidates that what it is to be working at oneof our firms.


With our extensive SEO strategy we areranking on NR.1 positions in over 40 countries. For both SEO content as


At Bierenslab it’s highly important to actfast. So when one or our Italian lawyers has a good plan to expand to Italy, westepped on the plane and started our Rome branche within one month.

Leadgeneration SEO

With our extensive SEO strategy we areranking on NR.1 positions in over 40 countries.

New York Campaign

We realized that we were making good progress on US soil while interviewing on the streets of Manhattan 😉.

Candy shop campaign - The sweet spot of Debt collection

To be honest we don’t think that exhibitions in general are a lot of fun. Everyone wants to sell and we don’t see a lot of creative angles. So we decided to do things differently and and started the campaign “The Sweet Spot of Debt Collection”.

Branding Superhero

We work for daring and rebellious brands.For Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers we created a new corporate identity includingcommercials that are inspired by many American superhero comics.

Credit Summer Event

In 2016 we initiated the first Credit Summer Event. It’s the largest neutral industry event where it’s about thoughtleadership. Nowadays we are hosting this event with our great partners Altares| Dun & Bradstreet and Onguard.

Leadgen movie USA

Our American target audience is not always aware of effective methods we have in Europe for debt collection. By introducing this explanatory video we were able to tell our story.


By creating E-books we are offering our clients free tips &suggestions in their business. Who doesn’t want to have free advice

Open positions : 6

Bierenslab is turning technology and data into personal customer experiences – driving growth for our brands Bierens Law and Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers. We run projects and experiments in many domains to develop business models for the future and to provide our clients with tailor made solutions.



Artificial Intelligence

By enabling our companies to smart AI driven solution we solve our clients needs more efficient.

Web Development

Our developers are working on several projects in PHP, R and Python. By enhancing the power of our development team we have been able to launch 40 new platforms over the last 5 years.  

Business Intelligence

Proper business intelligence is crucial to thrive our companies to next levels.

Data Analytics

We provideour companies with advanced analytics in order to make the right decision. Data helps our companies thrive and excel.

Predictive modeling

By enabling our companies the power of predictive modelling we are providing needed decision making information. Companies are better able to accept clients or requests with the intel we provide them with.

Read on to see examples of projects we have worked on.

Referral Program

For one of our brands we display employees as superheroes whom fight for justice. In order to improve loyalty among our customers we are starting a “save all superheroes” program. Via this way we try to connect our services on a fun with our target audience.

Hero Hub

By enabling our customers to have realtimeoverview in their cases anywhere at any time we are disrupting the servicesindustry.

Business Intelligence Dashboarding

For our companies it’s highly important toget proper dashboarding. By using Qliksense we established realtime insightsfor our MT.

AI Chatbot

For our sales departments we have createdchatbots that are built on the technology of machine learning.

Website - Bierensgroup

Bierensgroup.com has grown to over 30 websites all over the world. Every year we welcome at least 1800 new clients to our great collection services and welcome many hundreds of thousands visitors.

Website - Bierens Law

Bierens Law is a young brand in the portfolio of the Bierens family. It’s a great new website in with a revolutioned UI in order to make a digitally sawy.

Wheel of Fortune

It’s highly important to get constant feedback from your customer. With the introduction of the wheel of fortune weare now rewarding clients for their important feedback. Only with our customerswe can create even greater companies.  

Website - Collections in Europe

Collectionsineurope.com, incassoineuropa.com and many more websites belong our functional brands. On these platforms we combine thought leadership and easy solution with strong expertise.  

Open positions : 2

Bierens Lab adds great UI and UX to our companies to make the experience of our services fun. Life is serious enough, isn’t it? By creating simply cool stuff our services are distinctive to industry standards.


UX/UI Design

Creating a good technical solution might not be easy but the usage of it should be. We make sure by analyzing heatmaps and bounce rates which pages do well and where design improvements can be made.

Visual Design

By using visual design we enable our companies to sell their services in a more appealing and driven way.

Read on to see examples of projects we have worked on.

Hero Hub

By enabling our customers to have realtimeoverview in their cases anywhere at any time we are disrupting the servicesindustry.

Referral program

For one of our brands we display employees as superheroes whom fight for justice. In order to improve loyalty among our customers we are starting a “save all superheroes” program. Via this way we try to connect our services on a fun with our target audience.



Via Hackathons we are creating a young talented community around our brands who pitch new ideas and

Magazines - Debt collection


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